GHKKPM 19th March 2023 Written Update

Vinayak comes to Pakhi’s side at the beginning of the episode, but one of the students pushes him away. He then moves to Sai and gives her a bear hug while calling her mother. Sai embraces him joyfully. Sai and Vinu are captured on camera by Ajay Kamble guy. Bhavani expresses happiness and claims that Vinu’s heart recognised his mother. Karishma concurs.

Don’t mistake Ashwini’s request for Karishma to stop by stopping her from going to Sai for her motherly affection, she warns. I’m here, says Pakhi to Vinu. As they cannot offer directives to their children, the principle orders Pakhi to be silent. Vinayak removes his cap. Leaving Sai, he runs to Pakhi. Vinayak and Pakhi are disqualified from this game for disobeying the rules, the teacher informs.

Savi wins the game by properly identifying Sai. The teacher declares Savi the winner. Sai praises God for causing her son to embrace her. Ajay’s man shows him the event photo that was taken there. Ajay claims that in order to seek retribution, he must harm Sai’s son.

Sai becomes aware of a follower. She beats him since she thought he was Ajay’s man. Officer tries to halt her. Not knowing who is hiding beneath the comforter, Virat wonders why she hit him and takes the cover off of him. Sai queries his motives for pursuing her.

I wasn’t following you, according to Virat, I was testing them. Constables are reprimanded by him and told to assume their positions. They go away. Virat is told by Sai that she may help herself. Virat said he comprehended. Sai looks at him fiercely. She is asked to attend to Virat.

On the way, Bhavani queries Savi about her gloomy demeanour. Savi claims that she wished to accompany Vinu. She is asked by Bhavani not to feel bad and to accept 2,000 as a gift. Savi claims that after their last meeting, she still hasn’t used the two thousand dollars she provided her.

Sonali wants to ask Bhavani when they first met, but she is stopped. She proposes that Savi celebrate her accomplishments by treating her parents and Vinayak to supper. Savi accepts the proposal and the payment.

When Virat sees her, she asks him how he got hurt. According to Virat, a wild cat hit me with a stick. Sai keeps gazing at him. After Sai was attacked, Ashwini inquired. I was hurt performing my responsibility after Virat said no. Savi arrives there dressed.

Upon seeing her, Virat is delighted. Savi tells him she won the school game and that getting ready was in preparation for taking them to dinner. Virat requests Savi’s help in taming Sai. I have $4000 in pocket money, so let’s celebrate my success, Savi says as she approaches Sai. If Vinu joins them or not, Sai queries. Virat observes.

As Virat notices Vinayak studying, he tells him that they may go out for supper and bring Savi along. Vinayak concurs. Pakhi queries whether Sai will also be travelling with him in addition to Savi and Vinu. Naturally, Sai will arrive, according to Virat, but how would Savi arrive without her mother? Vinu declines to accompany them.

He departs. Virat presses Pakhi to explain why she is torturing Vinu. Pakhi wonders why he intends to go out with Sai and Vinu. She asserts that she won’t permit him to take Sai out with Vinu.

At the hotel, Virat requests that Savi give her brother a saree that he purchased from her family. He is asked to give it on his own by Savi. I only asked you to do a minor thing, according to Virat. Sai shows up there. Savi gives her a present and claims to have purchased it for her.

When we arrive, Sai replies, tell us how you obtained the present. To surprise her, Savi claims she kept it with her father. What’s in the gift, Sai queries. It’s a saree, claims Savi. Sai advises speaking the truth rather than lying.

Episode is over.

Pakhi ruins Sai’s rangoli in the precap. What is she doing, Sai queries. Pakhi claims I will do the ceremonies as it is my home and not you. Pakhi attempted to make a rangoli but failed. When Sai notices this, he tells Paki that those who destroy other things are incapable of creating anything since they likewise worry about having their creations destroyed.

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